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Useful Resources

The following are links to web sites which we have found to be very useful and interesting.

These are quite diverse and we will explain why we have included them on our web site. We hope you will find these helpful.


Check out this great selection of eBooks.

If you are a small business owner or entrepreneur this site is an excellent resource. is the #1 website in the world for small business motivation and strategies with over 260,000 regular monthly business owner readers. You will find articles and other resources which can help you to grow your business. You can visit them at


The Training Registry

While we would certainly like to be your choice for the design and or delivery of your training, we do not handle everything. Quite often it is difficult finding the right training provider. The Training Registry is a great online resource where you can search for the training or provider you want or you can post a specific request and the most appropriate providers (from an extensive data base) will respond to your needs. I have known the principle of this Company for almost 15 years. They provide an exceptional service. You can visit them at


That’s Customer Focus

As you may know, we have published a number of books about customer focus. We have created a separate website to market these books. Everything you need to know about our books can be found on the this site but we have put the link here to anyway.


Watson Training and Development

This company is located in Texas. They are an affiliate of The Training Bank. They have been offering our classroom-based and online programs to their market for almost 15 years. The President, Tom Watson is a specialist in communication, service and debt elimination and wealth building. He is also a published author known to many as the ThePayRaiseProfessor. You can visit Tom at


Canadian Society for Training and Development

Otherwise know as CSTD, this association represents professional trainers across Canada. They have many interesting and informative pages. You can search for trainers, training or if you are a trainer, join up and take advantage of their membership package. You can visit them at


American Society of Training and Development

Otherwise know as ASTD, our neighbors to the south also have an association represents professional trainers across North America. They have many interesting and informative pages. You can search for trainers, training or if you are a trainer, join up and take advantage of their membership package. You can visit them at


Strategis Canada

If you are looking for or want to find out about a business in Canada, this Government of Canada website is a great place to start.


H. R. Reporter

This is an excellent publication and you can find a host of information and contacts with respect to a wide range of H. R. and training related subjects and providers. You can visit them at


Customer Service Point

This is a great website I found in Europe. It offers an excellent free newsletter and reviews of Customer Service and Customer Focus publications.


Customer Service Manager

If you are a customer service manager you will find an enormous amount of useful information on this website.

For more information about how The Training Bank may be of help please contact us