Learn how to use our proven and easy to follow process for managing performance problems
Call us at (519) 455-7406
Managing Performance Problems
Managing Performance Problems is a one-day customizable, on-site training workshop.
Please Note: As all our classroom-based training is suspended due to covid-19, this course is now available in a highly interactive webinar format. Please call us for details.
One of the greatest challenges managers face is dealing with and managing employee performance problems. Many managers put off dealing with problem performers because they view this as an unpleasant task. They do this because they are uncomfortable when dealing with tension filled situations. This lack of comfort stems from the fact that they don’t know how to deal with negative situations in a positive way. By learning how to analyse, diagnose and remedy employee performance problems using our proven approach, you and or your managers will soon discover that, when done correctly, managing performance problems can be a rewarding experience.
Managing Performance Problems is a highly interactive training program which explores easy and effective approaches for dealing with even the most difficult performance problems. It provides participants with a proven and practical methodology for analyzing the root cause of performance problems and offers a systematic and fool-proof approach for conducting performance discussions and turning undesirable performance around.
This program has an effective balance of presentation, large and small group discussion as well as numerous application exercises. Participants work on specific performance problems they are currently encountering and using the tools and skills they learn through this program, have the opportunity to develop practical and tangible strategies for how they can effectively handle these performance problems when they return to work. Participants also complete a personal action plan as they proceed through the program to determine how they will incorporate what is covered in the training into their daily work routine.
Participants receive a detailed Participant Workbook which includes detailed explanations of the concepts and principles presented together with exercises and other job aids. If you wish, we can fully customize this program to reflect the specific learning needs of your employees.n-site

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this program, participants will:
- Define a “performance gap”
- Describe how to prevent performance problems through setting standards, communicating expectations, giving on-going and specific feedback, building open communication, and addressing problems in a timely way
- Use a series of questions to identify potential causes for any given performance gap
- Apply methods for building ownership of the problem, and commitment to solving the problem
- Identify the coaching needs of the employee and apply the appropriate supervisory practices to meet those needs
- Build, with the employee, mutually acceptable performance improvement plans
- Establish follow-up methods to monitor plan completion and success
- Discuss performance problems in a candid, assertive and non-personal manner
- Develop strategies for situations where the problem escalates rather than diminishes
Topics Covered:
Topics in this program include:
- 1. How Do You Handle Difficult Situations
- 2. Analyzing Performance Problems
- 3. The Process
- 4. The Performance Problem Worksheet
- 5. Conducting Performance Discussion
- 6. If The Problem Continues
- 7. Role Plays
- 8. Personal Action Plan
In Summary:
Learn how to use our proven and easy to follow process to diagnose, analyze and handle any employee performance problems.
✓Can be fully customized
✓Targets managers, supervisors and team leaders
✓1 day format
✓Suggested class size: 12 to 15 participants
✓Detailed 70 page participant workbook
✓Personal Action Plan included
✓Train-the-Trainer available