Learn how to enhance employee productivity and performance by utilizing the optimum leadership style.
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Leadership Style Workshop
Leadership styles is a highly interactive workshop which we will be pleased to deliver at your location. It is available in a one day in-house classroom format or three 2-hour live webinar format.
Engaging your workforce and optimizing employee performance are critical responsibilities of today’s managers and supervisors.
Most managers tend to favour one or two styles or approaches when interacting with and developing their employees. Research however, reveals that there are actually four unique and highly effective approaches, which we refer to as leadership styles, that when used appropriately will have a significant positive impact on both employee engagement and performance.
Effective leadership provides employees and team members with a clear vision of the goals and outcomes they are intended to achieve, a high level of commitment to that accomplishment, a feeling of security that someone is in control, not in a negative way, but with both the interest of the organization and the individual in mind.
Poor leadership is at the heart of tangible and observable performance downfalls. Absenteeism rates skyrocket as employees are less prone to push themselves both physically and mentally. Work is done well, but within an atmosphere typically charged with discomfort at best, and outright anger at the extreme.
By attending Leadership Styles you or your managers and supervisors will analyze your current styles and learn how to adapt your leadership styles to incorporate all four unique leadership styles in order to optimize employee performance, development and productivity.
Leaders Lead By Example
Check out these highly effective customer-focused online courses and give your managers the skills they need to drive change.

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this program, participants will:
- Investigate various leadership styles and identify their appropriate and inappropriate applications.
- Identify their leadership style and predispositions.
- Enhance their flexibility and range of leadership approaches.
- Learn how to assess the needs of individual employees and team members related to the type of leadership they require.
- Develop a personal action plan
Topics Covered:
Topics in this program include:
- 1. Leadership and Power Bases
- 2. Success versus Effectiveness
- 3. Introduction to Leadership Styles
- 4. Personal Autonomy
- 5. Determining Personal Autonomy Levels
- 6. The Adapt Model
- 7. Leadership Style Descriptions
- 8. Contracting for Adaptive Leadership
- 9. Leadership Styles
- 10. Leadership Styles Self-Analysis
- 11. Leadership – Action Plan
In Summary:
Leadership is influencing others to think and/or act a certain way, directed at a specific goal or outcome. It is the fuel which powers the manager, supervisor and team leader roles.
✓Highly interactive on-site workshop
✓Can be fully customized
✓Targets managers, supervisors and team leaders
✓1 day format or three 2-hour live webinar format
✓Suggested class size: 12 to 15 participants
✓Detailed 75 page participant workbook
✓Pre-Course Self-Analysis
✓Personal Action Plan included