Why Internal Service Training for the Back Office…
- You’ll never get it right for customers if you don’t get it right internally first.
- Most service problems result from a breakdown in internal communication, team work, cooperation or non-customer friendly processes & procedures.
- The cost of poor service can represent 15% to 30% of operating expenses
- 8 out of 10 customers who receive poor service go elsewhere
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For the Back Office
Due to Covid-19 all our on-site courses are suspended, HOWEVER, this program is now available in a highly interactive webinar format. Please contact us for details.
Customer Focus for the Back Office © is a highly effective internal service training program. Participants learn how to build and strengthen internal service partnerships which focus on adding value to the customer experience. It is a proven and fully customizable training program which targets the needs of all back office or support employees.
Successful customer-focused organizations share the belief that no one is more important than the customer and that every employee has a part to play in creating customer value. In fact, the cause of an alarmingly high percentage of customer service problems and complaints is due to a breakdown in internal cooperation and support. Some refer to this cooperation and support as internal service. We refer to it as internal service partnerships. Every employee, whether they deal directly with customers or perform some other function have a critical role to play is adding value to the customer experience.
This internal service training program creates a customer-focused mind-set and presents a process which enables employees create highly effective internal service partnerships. They will understand what they must do in order to contribute to adding value to each and every customer interaction with your organization.
This process provides participants with strategies and skills that will help them make the most of their day-to-day interactions with people who receive their work-product, products and services which ultimately impact on the customer.
This on-site program is available in one-day and two-day formats and our webinar version is three 3-hour highly interactive live sessions in our virtual classroom.
As an option with the two-day version of this program, we also offer the same certification of Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCEP), that we provide for our online version of this program. Click here for details about this certification or contact us.
Whether you would like to use this generic program or have us customize it to reflect your specific requirements, we can help.

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this program, participants will:
- Understand why service and retention is a critical business strategy
- Understand the role service plays in client satisfaction and retention and the critical role all employees play in creating value and building loyalty
- Understand the significance and importance of internal service partnerships
- Determine who their internal partners are and what they want and expect when it comes to exceeding customer expectations
- Identify pro-active strategies for getting customer and partner feedback
- Determine their role in Service Recovery and develop proactive strategies designed to regain the customer’s confidence and business
- Understand their role in aligning systems and processes which the customer views as value added.
Topics Covered:
Topics in this program include:
- 1. What is Service?
- 2. Creating a Competitive Advantage
- 3. What Are Your Customers Worth?
- 4. Service Partnerships- Internal Cooperation
- 5. What is Your Contribution?
- 6. Building and Strengthening Internal Partnerships
- 7. Moments of Truth and Coffee Stains
- 8. Understanding Customer Expectations
- 9. The Power of Customer Perception
- 10. What Customers Want
- 11. Retention, Pro-active Recovery and Loyalty
- 12. Personal Recovery and Retention Strategies
- 13. Creating a Legend
- 14. Continuous Improvement
- 15. Your Personal Action Plan
In Summary:
You’ll never get it right for customers if you don’t get it right internally first.
✓Can be fully customized
✓Targets all internal support/back office employees
✓1 or 2 day formats or five 2 hour live webinars sessions
✓Suggested class size: 12 to 15 participants
✓Detailed 85 page participant workbook
✓Supported with optional online assessments
✓Personal Action Plan included
✓Train-the-Trainer available
Build strong internal service partnerships and ensure your support staff do their part in maximizing the quality of your customers’ service experiences.