Target Debt Free is A Unique Debt Elimination Online Course
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Target Debt Free – Debt Elimination Course
If there was a proven method for eliminating all of your personal debt, including your mortgage within 8 years on the money you make now, would you be interested in learning how to accomplish this? Target Debt Free, a unique Debt Elimination course provides the answers.
We are pleased to offer this unique debt elimination course in an online learning format to all our customers and visitors. It has been created by a trusted friend and colleague, Dr. Tom Watson, whom I have known personally for close to 20 years. Tom is the author of The Great American Debt Opportunity and this terrific online learning experience.
I can tell you from personal experience that it works.
Whether you are an individual or family trying to rid yourself of costly debt charges so you can build a strong financial future or you are an Employer who wants to improve employee productivity by helping them to rid themselves of the stress and pressure of dealing with debt, this program is worth checking out.
Target Debt Free is an incredible online program that will teach you how to pay off all your consumer debt in 1-3 years and your mortgage (if you have one) in another 4-5 years based on the your current level of income. You will learn a proven mathematical formula that shows the steps to take to eliminate your debt and then turn that debt into wealth.
Target Debt Free consists of 16 video lessons and each lesson is supported by a downloadable assignment which you will use to apply what is covered in the video lesson. The videos range in length from 7 minutes to 17 minutes. The time required to complete the assignments varies but the total program takes approximately 8 hours on average to complete.
This could be the best 8 hours you have ever spent. Think of it this way:
8 hours + 8 years = NO DEBT!!!
You can enroll in this valuable debt elimination course for only US$97.00 and it comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee!
NO RISK but what an incredible reward! This is not some get rich scheme. It requires your commitment and dedication to the process, but the pay off is huge.
To find our more about this program, to preview a sample lesson and to enroll in the program, click on this link click here to go to Dr. Watson’s TargetDebtFree web-site.
If you are an employer and would like to find out more about how you can make this program an employee benefit or you would like to find out more about the long-term benefits of providing employee financial education, please contact us.

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this program, participants will:
- Learn how to eliminate your consumer debt in 1 to 3 years on the money you make now
- If you have a mortgage, learn how to eliminate it in an additional 4 to 8 years
- Learn how to turn your debt into wealth
Topics Covered:
Topics in this program include:
- Lesson 1 – Introduction
- Lesson 2 – Determining Your Financial Well-Being Score
- Lesson 3 – Calculating Your Financial Freedom Date
- Lesson 4 – Moving From A Consumer Mindset To A Wealth Builder Mindset
- Lesson 5 – Debt Elimination Strategy Part 1
- Lesson 6 – Debt Elimination Strategy Part 2
- Lesson 7 – Making It Work For You: Finding Your Escalator
- Lesson 8 – Finding More Money For Your Escalator By Using A Reverse Budget
- Lesson 9 – How To Spend Smarter: Finding More Money For Your Escalator
- Lesson 10 – How To Recognize A Need And A Want
- Lesson 11 – Seize Your Savings
- Lesson 12 – What To Do When Life Happens
- Lesson 13 – The Truth About Credit Cards
- Lesson 14 – The Great Mortgage Myth
- Lesson 15 – The Wealth Formula: The Key To Achieving True Financial Freedom
- Lesson 16 – Your Final Lesson: Into The Future