Online Leadership Courses
Call us at (519) 455-7406
Leadership Fundamentals
Leadership Fundamentals will enable you examine how you can become a truly effective leader. This course will enable you to identify the key
characteristics of leaders. You will examine how to build trust and confidence with your employees.
And the course outlines actions which undermine your ability to lead.
It will help you encourage and build teamwork.
It will prepare you to become more decisive especially when faced with crisis.
This course is at our Online Learning
Centre supported by our Strategic Partner BIS Training
Leading Through Change
Leading Through Change will show you how to successfully
implement change as well as explore how to avoid the typical mistakes many
organizations make which lead to failure.
This terrific course contains three key lessons which focus on understanding how people respond to change, how to lead change
and how to communicate and anchor the change. This is followed by a case study
which will help you to apply what you have learned.
This course is at our Online Learning
Centre supported by our Strategic Partner BIS Training
Leadership Vision
Leadership vision is an
essential building block for long-term organizational success. This online
Leadership Vision course explains the purpose and importance of a shared vision
and provides strategies for creating and implementing it within an
Superior Leadership
Leadership is a skill. And like any other skill, you will get worse if you don’t practice
(which is why your 3-point shot is probably pretty bad).
This Superior Leadership series will give you the reinforcement to become an even
better leader than you already are – and you’re going to like this more than
any leadership training you’ve ever experienced. That’s a fact.
Emerging Leaders
You have identified your rising stars. They’re excited for the chance to lead, and you’re
ready to give them the opportunity. But how can you be certain they’ll be great
leaders when they’ve never had a chance to lead before? Fortunately,
our Emerging Leaders series will give them all the tools to become the kind of
leaders others will be excited to follow. And we guarantee they’ll enjoy it.
Bulding Trust and Respect
As a leader and manager, trust is one of the most important things you must build with your employees. Research continues to show time and time again, that employees who have a high level of trust with their manager are more productive, more engaged, and stay longer with the organization. Trust matters.
Therefore, what you do as a leader to build trust within your team is essential. The Building Trust and Respect course will provide the tools and actions you need to strengthen the trust between each of your employees.
When you make a commitment to strengthen the trust with each person, you’ll find your team will be much more successful, enjoy work more, and want to stay with the organization.
This course is contained in our Online Learning Centre supported by our Strategic Partner BIS Training Solutions.
Contents & Features
Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:
- Understand how your actions support the company values
- Evaluate how fair you are with others
- Build trust by learning what will create a great work situation for each employee
- Increase trust and respect by supporting and encouraging innovation
- Build respect by creating a network of resources for employees
- Supporting Company Values
- Fairness with Others
- Building Trust with Employees
- Trusting Others to Innovate
- Building an Employee’s Professional Network
- Respect through Resources
Duration: 50 minutes
Contains interactive tests (80% pass rate)
Download and Print certificate upon successful completion
Tuition: Only $79.99
Building Your Leadership Skills – Part 1
Being a leader is not just about managing others. It’s also about being a positive role model with others, taking personal responsibility for your actions, and taking the lead to increase your contribution to the organization. Personal leadership is also about communicating well with others, being able to manage conflict when it arises, and inspiring others to be their best. You certainly don’t have to have direct employees to do any of that.
When we make the effort to build our personal leadership skills, we increase our contribution to the organization, are seen as valuable players, and create future opportunities for our career. The Building Your Leadership Skills course will help you strengthen your leadership skills for whatever role you may have, now as well as in the future.
This course is contained in our Online Learning Centre supported by our Strategic Partner BIS Training Solutions.
Contents & Features
Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:
- Keep your customers informed of key information, progress and status updates
- Actively seek the thoughts and opinions of others in key situations
- Demonstrate good judgment for how creative ideas and suggestions will work
- Perform an integrity review on your actions and behaviors
- Identify what you need to do differently to effectively contribute to the organization strategy
- Keeping Customers Informed
- Seek Out the Ideas and Opinions of Others
- Show Good Judgment Regarding Creative Ideas
- Integrity Review
- Contributing to the Organization Strategy
Duration: 50 minutes
Contains interactive tests (80% pass rate)
Download and Print certificate upon successful completion
Tuition: Only $79.99
Building Your Leadership Skills – Part 2
Being a leader is not just about managing others. It’s also about being a positive role model with others, taking personal responsibility for your actions, and taking the lead to increase your contribution to the organization. Personal leadership is also about communicating well with others, being able to manage conflict when it arises, and inspiring others to be their best. You certainly don’t have to have direct employees to do any of that.
When we make the effort to build our personal leadership skills, we increase our contribution to the organization, are seen as valuable players, and create future opportunities for our career. The Building Your Leadership Skills course will help you strengthen your leadership skills for whatever role you may have, now as well as in the future.
This course is contained in our Online Learning Centre supported by our Strategic Partner BIS Training Solutions.
Contents & Features
Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:
- Select the actions you will take to lead the organization’s vision and strategy
- Use a process for managing conflict with others
- Identify someone who is good at conflict management who you can learn from
- Evaluate how inspiring your words and actions are to others
- Become a powerful and inspirational role model to others
- Support the Organization’s Vision and Strategy
- Manage Conflict with Others
- Learn from a Conflict Management Expert
- How Inspiring Are You?
- Be a Powerful and Inspirational Role Model
Duration: 50 minutes
Contains interactive tests (80% pass rate)
Download and Print certificate upon successful completion
Tuition: Only $79.99
Coaching Career Development
As a manager, one of your roles is to help coach and develop your employees. This includes helping them grow in their career. Whether it’s understanding a person’s career aspirations, helping individuals navigate the company career system, or assisting your employees in building a professional network—you can help, and you should.
The Coaching Career Development course will help you build your knowledge and skills to best help your employees as they embark on their own personal career path. Great career coaching from you matters. Your employees will be grateful for the assistance, and the organization will be thrilled with employees who are growing in their skills and increasing their contribution to the company.
This course is contained in our Online Learning Centre supported by our Strategic Partner BIS Training Solutions.
Contents & Features
Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:
- Get to know your employee’s career desires and aspirations
- Employees learn about the company career system
- Create a career plan with your employee
- Identify skill development opportunities for your employee
- Help build your employee’s professional network
- If needed, setting appropriate expectations with employees regarding their career plans
- Employee Career Aspirations
- The Company Career System
- Career Plans for Your Employees
- Finding Employee Development Opportunities
- Building an Employee’s Professional Network
- Career Plans and Employee Expectations
Duration: 50 minutes
Contains interactive tests (80% pass rate)
Download and Print certificate upon successful completion
Tuition: Only $79.99
Ethics Awareness Training
This course is designed to help you teach various elements of ethical behavior in a manner that is simultaneously educational and entertaining. Countless studies have shown that people remember information better and for a longer period of time if it is presented in an entertaining way, and so we’ve dedicated ourselves to providing you the tools to do exactly that.
This course is contained in our Online Learning Centre supported by our Strategic Partner BIS Training Solutions.
Contents & Features
This training is designed to provide education in four core areas:
- How to handle gifts, favors, and other things that are sometimes called bribes.
- How to deal with conflicts of interest.
- How to address (and avoid) issues of workplace discrimination and harassment.
- How to talk about company property and information, and who to talk about it with.
Duration: Approximately 20 minutes
Contains interactive tests (80% pass rate)
Download and Print certificate upon successful completion
Tuition: Only $49.95
Leadership Essentials – Part 1
When you’re in a managerial or leadership role, your leadership skills are essential. Your ability to make great decisions, align resources to strategic priorities, increase employee innovation, and keep your top talent are all part of the responsibilities of being a strong leader.
The Leadership Essentials course will help you build the skills you need to effectively lead and manage others, including connecting individual goals to the organization vision, responding to issues and concerns, as well as helping you increase your integrity and consistency with individual and organization values.
This course is contained in our Online Learning Centre supported by our Strategic Partner BIS Training Solutions.
Contents & Features
Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:
- Increase the actions and behaviors that demonstrate you are a reliable leader with integrity
- Determine your work priorities as a leader and as an individual contributor
- Connect every employee’s individual goals to the organization’s vision and strategy
- Discuss how the team’s goals and core work is directly connected to the company’s strategy
- Define the strategic priorities for the department and align the required resources
- Assess if people are truly able to speak freely within the team
- Become a Reliable Leader with Integrity
- Balance Your Leadership and Employee Roles
- Connecting Goals to Vision
- Connecting Team Work to the Strategy
- Align Resources to Strategic Priorities
- Speaking Your Mind
Duration: Approximately 60 minutes
Contains interactive tests (80% pass rate)
Download and Print certificate upon successful completion
Tuition: Only $79.99
Leadership Essentials – Part 2
When you’re in a managerial or leadership role, your leadership skills are essential. Your ability to make great decisions, align resources to strategic priorities, increase employee innovation, and keep your top talent are all part of the responsibilities of being a strong leader.
The Leadership Essentials course will help you build the skills you need to effectively lead and manage others, including connecting individual goals to the organization vision, responding to issues and concerns, as well as helping you increase your integrity and consistency with individual and organization values.
This course is contained in our Online Learning Centre supported by our Strategic Partner BIS Training Solutions.
Contents & Features
Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:
- Create team innovation norms and expectations
- Determine if your actions are consistent with your values
- Perform a top talent review to determine what you need to do to keep your top talent
- Increase the level of innovative actions of your employees
- Evaluate how you respond to concerns or issues presented by your employees
- Analyze essential information and the pros and cons of key decision
- Innovation Norms and Expectations
- Are Your Actions Consistent with Your Values?
- Keep Your Top Talent
- Increase Employee Innovation
- Responding to Issues and Concerns
- Analyze the Pros and Cons of Key Decisions
Duration: Approximately 60 minutes
Contains interactive tests (80% pass rate)
Download and Print certificate upon successful completion
Tuition: Only $79.99
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