Certified Customer Experience Professional Certification Renewal
Call us at (519) 455-7406
CCEP Certification Renewal Centre
As you may recall, your CCEP Certification requires renewal every two years. This renewal should occur on or before the anniversary date on which you completed the course or subsequent renewals.
You have three options when it comes to renewal:
Option 1: You can provide us with formal confirmation (such as a certificate) from an approved training and education provider which confirms that you successfully completed a service excellence or customer experience related training or seminar since you were last certified by us. A $12.50 processing fee will apply. Please refer to the “Terms and Conditions for Option 1” below for details.
Option 2: You can complete our certification renewal process. This process consists of two components:
The first component is a questionnaire related to key topics covered in the Maximizing the Customer Experience Online Certification program. You will be provided with a PDF form within which you can record your answers to the questions posed and you can then send it to us for evaluation. On average our clients advise that this can take from 2 to 3 hours to complete.
The second component is a three module course called Customer Experience Essentials. It takes about 1.5 hours to complete. This course has quizzes included in each module and you must successfully complete each quiz with a passing grade of 70% correct responses.
Provided you pass the course modules and your responses to the questionnaire are comprehensive and fully and correctly address the questions raised and, we will send you an updated, renewed certificate. (A certification renewal fee of $67.50 will apply and can be paid using our secure online payment system when you register.)
IMPORTANT: This renewal process is time sensitive.
From the time you register, you will have 48 hours to complete the questionnaire and online course so be sure you allocate plenty of time. Please note: We regret that there can be no exceptions or refunds once you have completed the registration process.
If you have any questions, please contact us by email to support@ thetrainingbank.com or call us at 1-519-455-7406 during normal business hours. (Monday -Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM GMT-5 [Eastern Time])
Option 3: As a graduate of the Maximizing the Customer Experience Online Certification program you may also retake this program for a substantially reduced price. Please contact us for details.
Click here to review system requirements
We want to ensure that your computer is properly set up to run the course.
Most people have the correct software on their computers to deploy and run most internet based content but sometimes they do not have the latest versions of this software and as a result they encounter problems running online course-ware.
To avoid encountering problems with this course please ensure that you have the latest versions of the software typically needed for internet based training. Here is a list of the system requirements needed to ensure this program functions properly. This course is deployed using HTML 5 so it can be viewed in most of the popular internet browsers. While this material can be deployed on cell phones, it is recommended that you use desktop, laptop or note pad type computing devices.
Your computer or other device needs to have a high speed Internet connection. (Minimum 1 Mbps) 1 Megabits per second)
Operating system: Windows 7, 8 or 10 as well as Mac OS X or later
Browser Compatibility: For Windows; Google Chrome 28 or later, Mozilla Firefox 27 or later, Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 or 11 and or Microsoft Edge (may need to enable Compatibility view) and for Mac OS; Safari 6 or later, Chrome 28 or later and Firefox 27 or later.
Cookies need to be enabled/accepted in browser security settings
Java Script needs to be enabled in browser settings
Disable pop-up blockers
Your computer needs to have audio and video capability.
Click here to see our Terms and Conditions for Option 1
By selecting this renewal option, you are confirming that subsequent to completing Maximizing the Customer Experience or your last certificate renewal, you attended and successfully completed at least one professional development program.
Eligible programs include; an onsite or online training program, a seminar or workshop, a webinar and or conference on subjects related to customer experience and/or customer service/service excellence for which you or your employer paid an enrollment fee.
You will be required to provide; the name of the program, the name of the organization which conducted the program, the date you completed the program, a summary in your own words of the topics covered and a description of at least one thing that you learned as a result of that program.
You will also be required to submit a copy of the certificate of completion you were issued which bears your name.
Click here to see our Terms and Conditions for Option 2
1. Access and use of this program is granted to and for the sole use of the individual who has registered for this program.
2. The content and supporting materials may not be shared or used by anyone other than the individual who has enrolled in this program.
3. We warrant that the course provided contains the information as described on this page.
4. We further warrant that it is free of technical defects and, provided the purchaser meets the requirements as described in System Requirements above, the course will deploy and run properly.
5. The person completing this renewal process has previously completed Maximizing the Customer Experience, or Customers Forever: Delivering Exceptional Customer Service and or a subsequent certification renewal. As proof, the person completing this renewal shall provide the date of last certification when completing the questionnaire portion of this renewal process.
6. The person registering for this process acknowledges and agrees that the process will be completed within 48 hours of registration.
7. The person registering for this process further acknowledges that there are no exceptions or refunds.
Please note: Once you have registered for this renewal process and you are deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of purchase.
If you encounter a problem accessing the process components, email support@thetraningbank.com and describe the difficulty you are having.
Please ensure that you include your sales confirmation number. We shall endeavour to correct the problem.